As a person you know how hard it can be to get into a routine!
Even the best laid plans sometimes turn to poo.
But what happens most is how you bounce back!
For the last few months I have been in a very good routine with training, managing to practice 3-4 per week consistently.
Of course last week, and continuing into this week I have been so run down forcing me to break my routine to let my body rest.
Is this annoying to me? Yes. I also know how much worse I will feel if I pushed through, tried to train and how much sicker I would get.
I also recognise there is a difference between needing to rest, and needing to use movement to shift the last of those niggly, residual symptoms.
So my plan is to rest when I need it, which is now.
Then once I'm feeling better to head back to that first session, no excuses but go really easy, really slow and just take my time.
I know after years of training myself & training other people that coming back from illness is the hardest. It is often even harder than the first session for people who haven't trained in a long time or have never trained.
Fortunately I also know that any perceived loss of fitness comes back just as fast!
This plan can be applied to any return to fitness situation; whether you have been sick, taken time off, never trained you can always plan to start slow and that can give you the confidence to just go back, which is often the scariest part!
So if you've been putting off going back to exercise because you've taken sometime off, this is your sign to do it tomorrow! Or even today if you can!