You may know last year was a bit of a mess for me.
At the time I couldn't understand why I couldn't pick myself up when I was normally so good at bouncing back.
I realised that I hadn't taken time off since 2018, and I was burned the eff out.
One night I decided enough was enough and I need to take a week off. To have a break from the cycle of working, mothering, wife-ing, running a house hold, over thinking and the 100 other things I do in a day.
It was in that week that all the fogginess cleared from my brain, and I finally started feeling myself again.
I promised myself at that point that approximately every 6 months I would take a week off work and reconnect, take a break and slow down.
But not all good intentions come to fruition.
It has now been 9 months since my last week off, and girlfriend let me tell you I am ready for a break. I can feel those negative thought pattens and habits seeping back in, but this time I will not let them win.
So next week I am taking a week off work.
I'll be sending my girls to school for 3 days.
Deleting social media and emails off my phone.
And doing sweet FA for the week.
Lots of my symptoms I didn't realise I was experiencing or I easily dismissed them because I was so busy.
Until I hit the bottom.
I understand that not everyone has the option to take a week off work/ kids/ family life, but I also know that you will not magically feel better one day if you don't force yourself to have time for you, in what ever capacity that may be.
So here's a little list of things you might be going through, which is your body telling you 'you need a break'.
Physical symptoms
Stomachaches/intestinal issues
Frequent illness
Changes in appetite/sleep.
Emotional symptoms
Sense of failure or self-doubt
Decreased satisfaction
Feeling detached or alone in the world
Loss of motivation.
Behavioural signs
Reduced performance in everyday tasks
Withdrawal or isolation
Using substances to cope.
I hope this helps you have the realisation I had last year, and makes some sense as to why you're feeling how you are.